Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the danger of the uninspired

My cursor has been blinking for four months now. A quarter-inch black line on a pale screen, haunting me. "WRITE SOMETHING," it silently screamed. And I, like so many uninspired souls, found it all to easy to ignore. I'd like to say it was something profound, breathtaking, or life shattering that finally got me writing again. But it was fear. 

Today I started thinking about a world full of people lacking inspiration, and the danger that would ensue. I reflected on the last four months of my life and all I could come up with was...Pilates. Pilates? After four months, the most profound thing in my life I could muster was a mat exercise?! Sure my core was getting stronger, but what about my core. When I lack inspiration my slate is blank, my spirit empty, and all I am is matter moving aimlessly through what I dare to call life. 

Can you imagine a society of souls, barely afloat, with no purpose, no energy? In today's world of sustainable living, creative inspiration is one energy source we can't afford to overlook. The minds of artists and innovators are boundless spheres of ideas and creations, but to cap one's potential is to put a limit on what humanity can achieve. To fall victim to life's mundane tasks only to forget the unique human ability to see the artistic beauty in everything around us, is to overlook one of life's greatest blessings. 

For months now I've wrongfully blamed my surroundings for being so uninspiring. By definition artists are creators, and are responsible for manifesting their own inspiration. Because without it, they seize to exist.

So for the sake of meaningful existence, take a lesson from my momentary lapse in motivation. Above all else don't just seek inspiration, BE inspired.

And if your "cursor" remains at a stand still, spend some time with like minded artists. I promise you, creativity is contagious. So while I while I muster the inspiration to pull new poem out of my pocket, in the mean time...